About J.D. National B.Ed. College PLOs & CLOs


PLO (Programme Learning Outcomes )

PLO 1: To help students discover and appreciate. their unique vocation / profession in society.

PLO 2: To encourage students to become catalysts of social transformation.

PLO 3: To nurture in particular, the values of peace, justice, equality and fraternity.

PLO 4: To draw out latent talents and creativity through varied co-curricular activities.

PLO 5: To create a learning environment which integrate theory and practice

PLO 6: To provide theoritical knowledge interwoven with a repertoire of pedagogical practices, hands on teaching experience and the inclusion of technology as a learning tool.

PLO 7: To revitalise education through collaboration with different organizations.

CLO (Course Learning Outcomes)  (Year 1)

Course 01: Childhood and Growing Up

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Understand the concept of growth and development.

CLO 2: Familiarize themselves with different development stages.

CLO 3: Know about the concept and role of heredity and environment.

CLO 4: Know and understand the meaning, nature and areas of Individual differences.

CLO 5: Understand the concept and nature of Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence.

CLO 6: Know about the concept and process of Creativity.

CLO 7: Know and understand concept, types and theories of Personality.

CLO 8 : Become aware and sensitize about Mental Hygiene and know about defence mechanism

Course 02: Contemporary India and Education

The student teacher will be able to :-

CLO 1: Contextualize contemporary India and Education.

CLO 2: Understand the concept and factors influencing aims of Education.

CLO 3: Know and understand the constitutional provisions in regard to the education.

CLO 4: Learn about policy debates overtime the implementation of policies and actual shaping of school education.

CLO 5 : Know and understand the background of different policies of education in India.

CLO 6: Know and understand the policy framework for public education in India

CLO 7: Understand the concept of universalization of Primary Education and ways employed to achieve it.

Course 03: Learning and Teaching

The student teacher will be able to :-

CLO 1: Understand concept, characteristics and theories of learning.

CLO 2: Understand meaning, types and educational implications of Transfer of Learning.

CLO 3: Understand concept and aids to develop memory.

CLO 4: Know and understand the concept of motivation, Maslow’s theory of motivation and Techniques to motivate children in classroom.

CLO 5: learn about concept and types of Guidance and Counselling and role of the teacher and school guidance and counselling.

CLO 6: Know and understand the concept and types of special children.

CLO 7: Learn about special education programme for special children

Course 4: Language Across the Curriculum

The student teacher will be able to :-

CLO 1: Understand concept, types, and importance of Language.

CLO 2: Know and understand the constitutional provision for Language.

CLO 3: Learn about Three Language formula and colonial debates on school language policies.

CLO 4: Know and understand different strategies for developing language competencies.

CLO 5: Learn about methods and technique of language teaching.

Course 5: Understanding Discipline and Subjects

The student teacher will be able to :-

CLO 1: Understand philosophical aspects of education with reference to Western and Indian Thinkers.

CLO 2: Know and understand concept, need and scope of curriculum.

CLO 3: Learn about approaches and methods of organizing different pedagogical subjects.

CLO 4: Know and understand principles of designing curriculum in pedagogical subjects at different stages in school.

CLO 5: Understand current discourse on school Curricula.

Course 06: Gender, School and Society

The student teacher will be able to :-

CLO 1: Know meaning of Gender and its indicators and Gender bias.

CLO 2: Learn about sociological basis of Education.

CLO 3: Know and understand about Gendered role of agencies in education.

CLO 4: Understand the role of teachers in formulating of positive nations of sexuality among young people.

CLO 5: Learn about role of women, and measure for the uplift of women and removing gender bias with reference to Indian constitution.

Pedagogy of a School Subject :- Course 7a /7b

Pedagogy of English :-

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Know and understand place of English in India and its aims & objective of teaching English as a second language.

CLO 2: Learn about different theories & principle of language learning based on the Piaget, Vygotsky Burner & Chomsky.

CLO 3: Learn about method and approaches of teaching English.

CLO 4: Know and understand teaching of prose, poetry, grammar and Composition.

CLO 5: Know important components of lesson plan and prepare lesson plans of English language.

CLO 6: Know about Audio- Visual aids in the teaching English.

CLO 7: Know and understand about essential qualification and qualities of an English teacher.

CLO 8: Learn about basic components of speaking English.

CLO 9: Know and understand examination and evaluation of teaching English.

Pedagogy of Hindi

छात्राध्यापक सक्षम होंगे

CLO 1: हिन्दी भाषा की अवधारणा, प्रकृति,उद्देश्य और महत्व को जानने एवं समझने में।

CLO 2: विभिन्न विद्यालयी स्तर पर हिन्दी भाषा और साहित्य शिक्षण की विभिन्न विधियों को जानने और चयन करने में ।

CLO 3: भाषिक दक्षता एवं योग्यताओं के विकास को जानने और समझने में।

CLO 4: विभिन्न साहित्यिक विधाओं एवं व्याकरण शिक्षण को जानने एवं समझने में।

CLO 5: भाषा के मूल्यांकन, क्रियात्मक शोध, समुन्नयन कार्य को जानने एवं समझने में।

Pedagogy of Sanskrit

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on concept and importance of Sanskrit as language and its states.

CLO 2: Know about aims and objectives of teaching Sanskrit.

CLO 3: Understand and use different methods of Teaching Sanskrit.

CLO 4: Know and understand different strategies of developing language competencies.

CLO 5: Acquire knowledge about qualities, role and responsibilities of Sanskrit Teacher.

CLO 6: Know concept, characteristics of text book and critical analysis of a text book.

CLO 7: Know and understand use of technology and media in Sanskrit Teaching.

CLO 8: Know and understand Language lab and Language club.

Pedagogy of Physical Science

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Understand nature and scope of Physical Science.

CLO 2: Learn and know aims, values & objectives of teaching Physical Science.

CLO 3: Understand different principles of Curriculum organization.

CLO 4: Acquire Knowledge about various strategies of teaching Physical science.

CLO 5: Know about Audio-Visual aids in the teaching Physical Science.

CLO 6: Acquire Knowledge about Science lab, science club, eco-clubs, and Museum and Science fairs.

CLO 7: Know and understand concept types, importance and tools of Evaluation of teaching physical science.

Pedagogy of Life Science

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on the meaning, nature and scope of life science.

CLO 2: Know about aims & objectives of teaching life science.

CLO 3: Know & Learn about unit plan & lesson plan of life science.

CLO 4: Understand concept, scope and principles of curriculum constructions in life science.

CLO 5: Select and use appropriate teaching aids in teaching life science.

CLO 6: Use different approaches and methods of teaching life science.

CLO 7: Understand planning & management of life science laboratory.

CLO 8: Know and understand evaluating outcome of life science teaching.

Pedagogy of Mathematical Science

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on meaning, nature and importance of mathematical science.

CLO 2: Learn and know aims & objective of mathematical science.

CLO 3: acquire Knowledge about different methods & techniques of teaching mathematical science.

CLO 4: Know and understand about qualities and qualifications of a mathematics teacher.

CLO 5: Acquaint with theoretical principles of curriculum constriction.

CLO 6: Understand concept, and evaluation of text books of mathematics.

CLO 7: Acquire knowledge about mathematics room, maths club, and Co-curriculum activities

CLO 8: Know about Audio – Visual aids in mathematics.

CLO 9: Know and learn about lesson plan and construction of an achievement test in mathematics.

Pedagogy of Home Science

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on the meaning, nature and scope of home science and its place in the secondary school.

CLO 2: Use different methods and approaches of teaching Home Science.

CLO 3: Know and understand teaching learning process in Home Science.

CLO 4: Select and use appropriate audio visual aids in teaching Home Science.

CLO 5: Understand concept, and principles of curriculum construction of Home Science.

CLO 6: Know and understand concept and various steps of lesson planning for Home science.

CLO 7: Know and understand qualities and role of good home science teacher.

CLO 8: Know and learn concept of types, importance & tools of measurement & evaluation in Home Science Teaching.

Pedagogy of History

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Know and understand concept and aims and objectives of teaching history.

CLO 2: Understand place and importance of teaching the subject at secondary and higher secondary level of education.

CLO 3: Know and understand different methods of teaching History.

CLO 4: Learn about importance and organization of Co-curricular activities.

CLO 5: Know and understand qualities and qualifications of good history teaching.

CLO 6: Know and understand instructional material and teaching aids in History.

CLO 7: Know and learn about unit plan and lesson plan of history.

CLO 8: Know and understand examination and evaluation of history Teaching.

Pedagogy of Civics

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on the meaning and scope of civics.

CLO 2: Know about aims and objectives of teaching civics at various stages of education.

CLO 3: Know and understand correlation of civics with other social sciences.

CLO 4: Understand concept and principle of curriculum construction of civics teaching.

CLO 5: Select and use appropriate Audio-Visual aids in teaching civics.

CLO 6: Use different methods of teaching Civics.

CLO 7: Understand concept of citizenship and its importance on present day social order.

CLO 8: Know and understand concept and various steps of lesson planning for civics teaching.

CLO 9: Acquire knowledge about civics room, museum, club and practical activities in civics.

CLO 10: Know and understand examination and evaluation in civics teaching.

Pedagogy of Economics

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on concept, nature, scope and importance of Economics.

CLO 2: Know about aims and objectives of teaching Economics at secondary and higher secondary level.

CLO 3: Know and understand correlation of economics with Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, and Language.

CLO 4: Learn and understand importance, procedure, advantages & limitations of different methods of teaching economics.

CLO 5: Know and understand Instructional objectives and procedure of teaching economics.

CLO 6: Know and understand concept and various steps of lesson planning for economics teaching.

CLO 7: Understand concept, importance of curriculum, principle & organization of curriculum.

CLO 8: Know and understand qualities and qualifications of good economics Teacher.

CLO 9: Select and use appropriate instructional material and teaching aids in teaching Economics.

Pedagogy of Geography

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on concept, nature and scope of Geography.

CLO 2: Know about aims and objectives of teaching Geography.

CLO 3: Understand concept and principles of curriculum construction of Geography teaching.

CLO 4: Know and understand correlation of Geography with other subjects.

CLO 5: Learn and understand different methods of Teaching geography, and lesson planning in Geography Teaching.

CLO 6: Know and understand qualities and qualifications of good Geography Teacher.

CLO 7: Select and use appropriate teaching aids in geography teaching.

CLO 8: Acquire Knowledge about Geography Room. Geography Museum and Excursion.

CLO 9: Know and understand examination, Evaluation, and measurements in teaching Geography.

Pedagogy of Commerce

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Gain insight on concept need, importance & Scope of commerce.

CLO 2: Know about aims and objectives of teaching commerce at secondary & higher secondary level.

CLO 3: Know and understand concept and different types of lesson planning for commerce teaching.

CLO 4: Know and use different methods of teaching commerce.

CLO 5: Know and understand concept, importance of text books and criteria for their selection.

CLO 6: Know and understand qualities and qualifications of good Commerce Teacher.

CLO 7: Know and understand concept, objectives, importance, of co-curricular activities and principle of organization of co-curricular activities.

EPC 1: Reading and Reflecting on Text

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Learn the role of Language and pedagogy of reading and writing.

CLO 2: Knows and understand the aims of the reading.

CLO 3: Understand the different types of reading skills and strategies.

CLO 4: Acquaint with expository texts.

EPC 2: Drama & Art in Education

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Understand concept, aims & objectives of teaching art and drama.

CLO 2: Know and understand about importance of Art in School education.

CLO 3 Understand about qualities and role of good Art teacher.

CLO 4 : Learn about different methods and teaching Art / Drama.

CLO 5 : Know and understand about different method activities related to Art / Drama.

EPC 3: Critical Understands of ICT

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Understand the concept, nature, objective & importance of ICT.

CLO 2: Know and understand about TLM (Teaching learning materials).

CLO 3: Learn about concept of emerging communication and its different types.

CLO 4: Acquaint with meaning, definition of computer and utility of computer in teaching learning.

Course 8 : Knowledge and curriculum : –

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Conceptualize the meaning and different perspectives of is Curriculum.

CLO 2: Understand the relationship b/w Curriculum & syllabus.

CLO 3: Learn about role of state and school in designing of curriculum.

CLO 4: Know and understand the Epistemological philosophical sociological Education. bases

CLO 5: Learn about child centre education -activity, discovery & dialogue.

CLO 6: Understand the concept of Nationalism Universalism, secularism & their interrelationship with reference to Togore & Krishanmurti.

CLO 7: Know and understand philosophical basis of education with reference to Indian and western thinkess.

CLO 8: Know and understand social basis of Education in the concept of society, culture, and modernity.

Course 9: Assessment for Learning : –

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Understand the basics of measurements assessment and evaluation process.

CLO 2: Know and understand about Technique and Took of Evaluation.

CLO 3: Learn about construction of various tests.

CLO 4: Understand concept, types and Utility of statistics in teaching –learning process.

CLO 5: Know and understand tabulation of data and its graphical representation.

CLO 6: Learn about tendency measure of Central Know and understand measure.

CLO 7: Know and understand measure of dispersion.

CLO 8: Understand nature, significance & method of calculation of relative position.

Course 10: Creating an Inclusive School : –

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Know about meaning and scope of nature Inclusive Education.

CLO 2: Familiarize with the legal and perspectives of inclusive education.

CLO 3: Understand about different types learners with learning disabilities.

CLO 4: Know about instruction and assessment procedure in special education.

Optional Course (1/2)

Course 11: Vocational/Work Education


The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Acquaint with concept, need & importance of work experience with special emphasis on gardening.

CLO 2: Know and understand about types, use and verources of seeds and grasses.

CLO 3: Learn about types, uses and resources of pots.

CLO 4: Acquaint with classification, texture, and structure of Soil.

CLO 5: Learn about Stem cutting, Laying, grafting, and budding.

CLO 6: Know and understand kitchen and ornamental Gardening.

Fine Arts

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: Understand the concept, importance, of art and aims & objectives of teaching arts.

CLO 2: Know and understand a brief history of India and Western Art.

CLO 3: Learn and Understand the qualities and role of the art teacher.

CLO 4: Acquainted with different techniques of Drawing and Painting.

CLO 5: Learn and understand about Aesthetic sense.

EPC 4 : Understanding the self

The student teachers will be able to

CLO 1: understand the development of self concept and the professional identity.

CLO 2: Learn about communication skill including the ability to listen & observe.

CLO 3: Acquainted with self exploration and self exteem.

CLO 4: Know and understand about emotion and stages of emotional growth.

CLO 5: Understand the concept and characteristics of yoga and utility of yoga in different contexts.

School Internship

First year & Second Year

CLO 1: To prepare lesson plans efficiently.

CLO 2: To develop in desirable professional interests attitude and ideas related to teaching profession.

CLO 3: To observe the work procedures teaching method and techniques, general classroom organization and disciplinary method employed by mentors.

CLO 4: To get exposed to a variety of organizational and administrative aspects of education.

CLO 5: To get exposed to the extracurricular activities of the school.

CLO 6: To developmental techniques and skills of teaching.

CLO 7: To provide an opportunity for self – evaluation and to discover own strengths & weaknesses.

CLO 8: To imply practical knowledge in real life and develop relationship with community.

CLO 9: To gain and improve from consecutive feedback.

CLO 10: To understand the importance and need of teaching – learning materials.